Friday, June 26, 2009

Alcohol, it's bad but not that bad.

For anyone that's wondering I have now attained 21 years and may now drink without fear of a criminal record due to my age.

It is somewhat of a relief to know that I need not cower in my locked bedroom or hide everytime I hear a police car drive by while quickly gulping up all the evidence of my less than legal possession and consumption.

I am no longer considered a minor under federal law and am thereby emancipated from the federal government's attempts to regulate what I put into my body for my age group.

Prior to this I was a minor and an adult at the same time. It makes no sense either legally or logically and it is rape of the equal protection clause in the Constitution of the United States of America.

And to think the reason the government (or should I say MADD?) has this law is to PROTECT me from the "dangers of underage drinking" (their quote, not mine). This is commonly thrown around by just about everyone when speaking of drinking and so-called "underage persons" who have not yet attained 21 years of age, even though, as stated above are legal adults and may stick penises or various other things into their bodies, including having things (needles) stuck into their bodies causing death due to them causing the death (or being a party to the death but not directly causing it) of another person just so long as they have attained 18 years of age.

So MADD seems to think we're responsible enough to DIE at 18 but not drink until 21? What kind of bullshit is that?

I personally have been both legally and illegally drinking (thank you Texas law for taking away my rights and giving them right back to my mom when I was under 21, bastard) since I was 18 and more or less regularly since I was 19. I had no desire to drink prior to that or do anything society wouldn't allow (except for the right to DECIDE what I want to do, I never ever gave that power the state or any other autoritative body, parents included) . But no, me being responsible to "wait" until I was an ADULT to drink is not good for the mother-fucking organization, according to them and the federal and state government I'm a CRIMINAL.

HA! Arrest me! I dare you!

That's right no one would do such a terrible retarded thing to a legal adult! Which, I was as of 3 years ago, I might add.

What harm have I caused by being under 21 and not in the presense of my parent? Nothing, no one has been hurt by my actions ever from drinking. That's because I'm not retarded like some, the minority, of those under 21 people are.

The point being of course is to lower the drinking age to the MINIMUM of 18, no more! Plenty less is fine too.

To simply persecute a group of people for being born in the wrong year IS discrimination and there is NOTHING in the Constitution that allows for this, trust me, I looked it up.

Prove me wrong, I dare you.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Modern Day (Legal) Slavery: On owning another person.

One would think that slavery has been more or less eradicated in the "free world" as the West is so often called. After all we did finally abolish slavery at the end of the Civil War way back in the late 1800s. Didn't we? Those of the dark skinned persuasion have, indeed, received their freedom but only once they reached 18 years of age, that is. Also, this applies to everyone of any race, religion, sex, wealth or lackthereof, in just about every single country on the planet.

Have children? Have custody of your children? That's right you own them. You own another human being until he or she is 18 years of age, and for some situations (and states) that ownership does not expire until they're 21.

How does that make you feel to know you own another human being?

Oh, what's that, you don't believe you actually do? Well let's pop out ye olde (for quick reference) and let's look up a few words (I also checked out Black's Law Dictionary I think it's titled and yes, they happened to say the same thing in there as the internet does, so yes, I am right).


1. lesser, as in size, extent, or importance, or being or noting the lesser of two.
2. not serious, important, etc.: a minor wound; a minor role.
3. having low rank, status, position, etc.: a minor official.
4. under the legal age of full responsibility.

7. of or pertaining to the minority.

9. a person under the legal age of full responsibility.
10. a person of inferior rank or importance in a specified group, class, etc.
11. Education.
a. a subject or a course of study pursued by a student, esp. a candidate for a degree, subordinately or supplementarily to a major or principal subject or course.
b. a subject for which less credit than a major is granted in college or, occasionally, in high school.

1250–1300; ME < class="ital-inline">min small, ON minni smaller, Goth minniza younger, Skt mīnāti (he) diminishes, destroys

1. smaller, inferior, secondary, subordinate. 3. petty, unimportant, small. 9. child, adolescent.

1. major.

The important ones to read are in bold. As you can tell someone who is a minor (who is under 21) is inferior, secondary, subordinate. They are not free, that are in the custody of their parents or the State and even the federal government. (People under 21 are considered minors under federal law, even though they are adults at 18, it's one big piece of hypocrisy and contradiction, I might add).

Getting back to the main point of minors being property of their parents let's look at the rights of minors vs. parents (and the State).

Adult's Rights (21+)
1. Can drink and gamble.
2. Can get a credit card w/o parental permission or a proof of financial responsibility (effective at the end of this year).
3. No longer considered a minor under federal law.
4. Can buy a bigger assortment of firearms.
5. The rest are the same as 18-20.

Adult's/Minor's Rights (18-20) (They're both at the same time)
1. Can have sex with who they please except those below the age of consent (as low as 16 in some states).
2. Can own property.
3. Can sue and be sued.
4. Can be executed.
5. Can enlist in the army, handed guns and kill people.
6. Can smoke.
7. Can buy certain firearms but not all.
8. Can take driving test without ANY sort of driving course whatsoever.
9. Can marry w/o parental permission.
10. Are considered legally emancipated (i.e. free, look it up) from their parents with some exceptions.
11. Considered an adult for MOST but not all purposes.
12. Can consent or refuse medical treatment.
13. Can get abortions no problem whatsoever.

Minor's rights (under 18) (Pretending this minor is not an "emancipated minor" or foster child).
1. Right to an education (read: forced to get an education)
2. Right to obey his/her parents until 18. (if they don't they can be CHARGED as "incorrigible or ungovernable" (yes, these are CRIMES).
3. Cannot consent to medical treatment NOR refuse.
4. Until they're at least 16, at most 18, sex is illegal.

I could go on and on and basically the point is that if you're under 18 you HAVE NO RIGHTS. This is unfortunate but true.

When someone reaches 18 (or 16 and they have to go to court to do it) they are considered legally emancipated. And what does emancipated mean? Let's look it up in the dictionary once again.

e⋅man⋅ci⋅pate - verb.

1. to free from restraint, influence, or the like.
2. to free (a slave) from bondage.
3. Roman and Civil Law. to terminate paternal control over

So there you have it to not be emancipated is to be a slave.

It's not that difficult a concept really, so why don't people admit what they know to be the truth?
People under 21 are in some way, shape or form property. And until that age barrier is breached they are trapped, there is no escape, this is indefinite in the US.

It is also wrong.

And it should change.