Tuesday, November 3, 2009

We Need More Voters! (Unless You're Underage then don't bother)

Serious Crime or the Greatest Act of Patriotism Ever?

(if you're wondering where I got this image just use google and type "eagle and american flag" or zoom in on the url in the image... you post it... I host it... free advertising fool you should thank me for it.)

Well, clearly we all know my stance on youth rights....


Oh why you ask?
One reason and ONE reason only.

Taxation without Representation.

They can get jobs and they pay taxes -- income taxes, sales taxes etc.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

"Minors" and Pot - Why We Should Let Them

There's a talk about legalizing marijuana for personal and recreational use. With that there's talk of which age one should be allowed to smoke or be in possession of a said drug without risk of being hauled off to jail, being charged as a minor, possibly being raped in prison or otherwise assaulted, being introduced to much harder drugs due to the fact that prison are the very highest form of an insecure facility, being raped and assaulted by prison guards, losing the right to vote and so and so forth. That being said jail/prison is an extremely bad place to be. It does not rehabilitate anyone and if it ever has that wasn't due to prison that was due to that individual person.

So the question is, which age should someone be allowed to willingly partake in a plant that grows naturally and has been growing naturally since time immemorial? According to popular opinion marijuana makes you lazy and we can't have lazy kids! They'll become even more spoiled than they are now! We can't have that! Drugs are bad! Kids are bad! We can't have them mixing, no no no *shakes finger*

I humbly disagree

Kids (aka "minors" (it's a dirty word around these parts, ya hear?!) are given drugs today, all sorts of drugs not the least commonly prescribed of which being Ritalin. That's right folks, the "sit down, shut up" drug,

Making your kids subservient to you since the 1960s ©
(oh the irony).

You see the goal of diagnosing someone with ADHD is to drug them up so you don't have to deal with them, why do I know this? Because these are the symptoms associated with ADHD (according to wikipedia).

Predominantly inattentive type symptoms may include:

  • Be easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another (Shit, I have 5 pages of homework to do and 4 tests... goddamnit, I don't have enough time to finish all this shit!! Fuck!!!)
  • Have difficulty focusing on one thing (I have too much fucking work like I said!!)
  • Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless they are doing something enjoyable (Yeah listening to your voice all day is pretty fucking boring, let's do something that ISN'T so boring... like going outside to play?! WHAT I CAN'T GO OUTSIDE NOW? IT'S NOT TIME TO PLAY... NOOOO)
  • Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new (depends on whether or not I WANT TO LEARN IT)
  • Have trouble completing or turning in homework assignments, often losing things (e.g., pencils, toys, assignments) needed to complete tasks or activities (who the fuck wants to do homework and all 5 pages of it?! FUCK NO)
  • Not seem to listen when spoken to (just because I don't look like I'm listening, doesn't mean I'm actually not listening, I don't HAVE to look at every single word your mouth forms in order for my ears to hear it)
  • Daydream, become easily confused, and move slowly (if you DON'T day dream, there's something wrong with you, it's easy to confuse anyone if you start spouting bullshit/lies, I'm not going to run everywhere... fuck you want me to sit still!! Which is it? Sit still or run around the place... fuck... I'm so confused!! Time to think about something that isn't so mentally retarded)
  • Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others (I learn at MY own pace, fuck off)
  • Struggle to follow instructions. (Maybe I'd follow them IF YOU EXPLAINED THEM MORE CLEARLY, ASSHOLE)

Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type symptoms may include:

  • Fidget and squirm in their seats (sitting down for 5 hours is killer on the joints)
  • Talk nonstop (I'm tired of hearing YOU talk so much, now it's MY turn, bitch)
  • Dash around, touching or playing with anything and everything in sight (I'VE BEEN SITTING IN THE FUCKING SEAT ALL DAY, I'M BORED AS FUCK)
  • Have trouble sitting still during dinner, school, and story time (I'VE BEEN SITTING A FUCKING CHAIR ALL DAY, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT, MORE SITTING? FUCK NO!)
  • Be constantly in motion (I'm like a shark if I don't move I die... of boredom)
  • Have difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities. (Well... exCUSE me if moving things around cause noise and disrupt YOUR day, YOU aren't forced to sit a fucking chair without moving ALL DAY LONG, ARE YOU?)
and also these manifestations primarily of impulsivity

  • Be very impatient (Being forced to sit in a hard, cold chair all day will do that to you... NOW LET ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING CHAIR ALREADY)
  • Blurt out inappropriate comments, show their emotions without restraint, and act without regard for consequences (Yeah like "fuck you teacher, I'm not sitting down anymore! My joints are killing me!? What about exercise is good for you do you NOT understand?! No one everyone is so fat nowadays, STOP STIFLING MY EMOTIONS!!! I'm fed up with your bullshit teacher, let me fucking out of this fucking prison already!!!)
  • Have difficulty waiting for things they want or waiting their turns in games (I WANT TO GO HOME NOW, WHAT ABOUT NOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND YOU FUCKWITS?!?)
You see this? All these symptoms are NORMAL CHILDREN BEHAVIORS!
Children are being forcibly medicated (remember they can't refuse or consent to medical treatment!)

This is the type of drug children should NOT be on under ANY circumstances for these behaviors. Side note, did you know there's a fucking "disorder" called

Which symptoms are THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT:

A pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months, during which four (or more) of the following are present:
Note: Consider a criterion met only if the behavior occurs more frequently than is typically observed in individuals of comparable age and developmental level.
  1. often loses temper (dealing with assholes all day is an unfortunate side effect)
  2. often argues with adults (OMFG, DIFFERING OPINIONS!??1 HOLY SHIT!!)
  3. often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules (Unreasonable rules are intolerable)
  4. often deliberately annoys people (you fucking annoy me, asshole)
  5. often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior (that's right bitch it's YOUR FAULT! No really... it is, you caused this, asshole)
  6. is often touchy or easily annoyed by others (YEAH, YOU)
  7. is often angry and resentful (Wouldn't you be angry for being treated like an incompetent monkey all the time?!)
  8. is often spiteful or vindictive (I WANT TO CONTROL MY FUCKING LIFE ASSHOLE)
No wonder kids want to smoke pot! No wonder ANYONE wants to smoke when they're treated worse than dirt just because they're under 21!

Yep, I said 21 not 18. Why? Because the argument is that no one under 21 is competent enough to handle marijuana (hurr durr when they can handle RITALIN? What the fuck shit?!)

Why is this? Well since alcohol can kill those under 21 marijuana can too right? WRONG. Marijuana has not killed a single person, or caused cancer etc. Nothing of the sort. So why 21? Because 18-20 year olds are not adults and HELL NO under-18s are sure as HELL not going to be able to smoke the sacred grass because it makes them lazy!! Well that's what you wanted you fuckshits, those erroneously diagnosed with ADHD were too active and now that there's a drug they actually WANT to take you deny them it?! What the motherfucking hell?!

Yeah, so we should let them. Why should we let them smoke? Here's why (besides the fact they're all already drugged up with ritalin and the like which causes some nasty side effects, marijuana only causes sleepiness and munchies.... not near as bad as ritalin's)

  1. HARMLESS -- they can't overdose on it no matter how hard you abusive parents shove it down their throats (that's right you crazies, you can't kill them with ritalin anymore!! HA AHA HA)
  2. Side effects - sleepiness and munchies
  3. They don't have to smoke it retards, they can eat it in food or drink it in tea if you're so damn concerned about "lung cancer" (no one has ever gotten cancer from smoking marijuana either, HAHAHA)
  4. They already do it rather you like it or not but are getting imprisoned, introduced to drugs and people that will ACTUALLY eventually lead to their death and losing financial aid for school so WHAD'YA KNOW they're forced BY LAW to go back on the streets BECAUSE THEY CAN'T AFFORD TO GO TO COLLEGE BECAUSE OF A DRUG CONVICTION AND BETTER THEMSELVES SO THEY'RE STUCK OUT ON THE STREETS. GREAT ENCOURAGEMENT LAWMAKING ASSHOLES.

Friday, October 2, 2009

It was Consensual Officer! Why are you charging me with rape?

Two consenting people have sex, does society have a problem with that? One would generally want to say 'No' but alas if you're under 18 or s/he's over 18 you can't consent to sex or sexual things, because you're incompetent. And even in the states where you can consent at a younger age (16+) you still can't take pictures of it, because then you'd be in possession of child pornography. Yes, you, YOURSELF, are bound by pain of being registered as a SEX OFFENDER to not take any too provocative pictures of yourself (you don't even have to be naked) and if the cop's penis twitches, say goodbye life as you know it.

Doesn't this world suck? Isn't this world unfair? Aren't people truly evil? They are and these things need to change NOW. No, not now, several thousand years ago they needed to change, oh wait, just kidding because people under 18-16 WERE ALLOWED TO HAVE SEX WITH ONE ANOTHER YOU FUCKING FAGGOT AUTHORITY FIGURES.

I want to hit them, hard, I want to smack some sense into them because they're are so fucking stupid. THEY WANT TO PREVENT THOSE YOUNGER THAN THEM FROM DOING ANYTHING OR HAVING ANY FUN AT ALL BECAUSE THEY'RE NO LONGER YOUNG.

I hate them, I want them to stop, THEY'RE EVIL.

I am raging so hard right now it's not funny anymore. I want to do something to help these victims, we're ALL victims, anyone who has ever been treated poorly because of their age. This is such madness, I swear, the world has gone batshit insane, I can't take this anymore. It's wrong, it's unjust, it's unfair, it hurts, it kills, it maims, it even rapes (go to jail, get raped, ????, kill yourself... I would anyways).

Why are you so evil? What have we done to piss you off so much, great authority figure? Are you so jealous of us you must seek to punish us at every turn?

I hate you.

You need to stop.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Justice System Says I'm an Adult, So Where are My Rights? (prepare to be mindfucked)

Truth be told, if you're under 18 you're legally considered to be an adult.

True story look up just about any news story about someone under 18 being charged "as an adult." "As an adult" is a a simile (like or as) According to http://www.dictionary.com/ this is what a simile is:

"A common figure of speech that explicitly compares two things usually considered different"

An adult is considered different from a child (or legally, a minor) and that cannot be debated, at least on a legal standpoint... well almost... on some levels.

Since the "minor" is being charged "as an adult" this LEGALLY means they are an adult. (As also meaning they ARE, "as you were" = "do what you are doing"). So if I were under 18 and was accused of certain crimes (any involving bodily injury or attempted bodily injury). I knew what I was doing because I am an adult!! (Minors, legally don't know they're doing, but are still held responsible and are still sent to jail and what not... boy, the contradictions keep mounting on top of one another).

Adults are ALL considered responsible (introduce me to one, PLEASE) and therefore they're RESPONSIBLE for their actions and as some retarded hicks love to say "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" (**Throws rocks at them to shut them up and make them realize how much of an asshole they are***). Minors are considered to be partially responsible for their actions but their actions are so heavily regulated that they're asking to get caught. The pressure is simply too high for most if not all to break, if only in the US.

Long story short: You're under 18? You're a minor. You're under 18 and commit a crime? WELCOME TO THE RESPONSIBLE WORLD OF ADULTHOOD... 20 TO LIFE!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Underage Drinking - It's more dangerous to your life than you'd think (but not for the reasons why you'd think)

(srsly guys... WTF?!)

Underage drinking is dangerous to your health and your safety. Underage drinking can ruin your life, your grades can be so inhibited by your underage drinking that you are forced to drop out of school, you may be fired for underage drinking and you may be killed due to the effects of underage drinking being in places you never wanted to be... because of underage drinking... You can be forced from your home for not being able to pay bills for underage drinking. You can be put into some of the most traumatic situations due to underage drinking, you can be raped underage drinking. Underage drinking may lead to your death.

What's wrong? Have I changed? Have I fallen... MADD?


HAHA, no I haven't. When I speak of "underage drinking" I speak of this.... let's replace it what I really meant... the effect of getting caught... underage drinking....

Getting arrested is dangerous to your health and your safety. Getting arrested can ruin your life, your grades can be so inhibited by your getting arrested that you are forced to drop out of school, you may be fired for getting arrested and you may be killed due to the effects of getting arrested being in places you never wanted to be... because of getting arrested... You can be forced from your home for not being able to pay bills for getting arrested. You can be put into some of the most traumatic situations due to getting arrested, you can be raped getting arrested. Getting arrested may lead to your death.

It's true many people die in jail, are raped, or are lead into a very very terrible life, far more terrible than they could have EVER imagined with merely drinking, and being under 21. They may be adults but the so-called "justice" system sees fit to treat them like children yet punish them like adults. It's a triple paradox:

ADULT (18-20) right = MINOR (child) charges = ADULT punishment

It's cruel and it's unusual and quite frankly it's


Youth aren't worth as much as you, even legal adults.

ACCORDING to the federal government, legal adults 20 years and under are not worth as much as someone 20+ for the first 90 days of employment, legally and rather offensively.

For SOME reason the age of adulthood, the age of REASON, is never really attained until you're like 50 or something with a couple thousand in the bank and 2 or 3 kids and a well paying job. Oh no I kid you not, this is the picture of "adulthood" that is slowly appearing in my mind as I read all the rules and regulations against people, just because the number attached to their name isn't enough... or is... as sometimes is the case... too much (think sex).

Returning to the point, the law says... and I quote:

"A minimum wage of not less than $4.25 may be paid to employees under the age of 20 for their first 90 days of employment with any employer as long as their work does not displace other workers. After 90 days of employment, or when the worker reaches age 20 (whichever comes first), the worker must receive at least the federal minimum wage."

There are two clauses in the first sentence (the only 2 clauses) that need to be noted. The first of which is obviously the clause that says someone under 20 is worth a measly $4.25/hr for the first 3 months even though the federal minimum wage demands that employees be paid.... THE FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE... and $4.25/hr is very much not the federal minimum wage. Before I inquire as to reasons for this... I won't... I won't inquire because we all know the reason for this... a blind person could see why this is way that this is...


1st reason:

Old people (20+ is the effective age of majority for THIS law) don't want to lose their jobs to ANYONE for ANY REASON (yes, even if they're stronger, better, faster... oh and smarter too) so they must do something to discourage their potential "displacement" (i.e. they get their old, miserable asses out the door and make way for new, younger, healthier, better looking young people). In short, they don't WANT under 20 year olds to work.... AT ALL. You can't do SHIT with $4.25/hr! SHIT!!! That's like 2 trips on a bus... to get to work and get home! It's criminal and thus is one more thing on my list to be fixed (which may or may not ever happen).

2nd reason:

"..with any employer as long as their work does not displace other workers"

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? No, it doesn't define it, it just says it. So long as their work does not displace other workers? So if it does does that mean they are to be paid full minimum wage? I don't know BECAUSE IT DOESN'T SAY. Does it mean they'll not be hired/fired... I don't know.... BECAUSE IT DOESN'T SAY.

Oh yeah, the real second reason.... people in charge are assholes.... ASSHOLES.

And you can quote me on that! ;)

(P.S. here's the link to the offensive law: here)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Candy Lightner thinks soldiers aren't adults.... that might explain the way my father acts....

For those of you who didn't know Candy Lightner, or as we shall call her from now on, Candy, was once a [very] MADD president (and the founder, actually). I happened upon two quotes of hers which scream HYPOCRITE (also, bitch but that's for another time).

The first quote seems extremely reasonable and in fact I wholeheartedly AGREE with it. It's very sound and not the least bit MADD (pun intended).

Here's the quote:

"If you want to drink, that's your business. But as soon as you drink and get behind the wheel of a car, it becomes my business."

Yeah, if you want to drink, go for it, but once you get in the car my chances of dying go up just a little bit more (even if I'm not in a car, because you could crash into my house... probably not but hey it's not impossible). And Mrs. Candy lost her 13 year old daughter to a repeat drunk driver. I've been able to find no information about how old he/she/it was but the chances that the driver
was well in excess of 21. I dunno why I just have this feeling because no where in any internet resources does it mention the age of the driver, I would like to find out but since the driver was over 21 they feel no need to mention his age because it has no bearing on her NEXT quote. (The one that makes her a hypocritch (or does hypobitch sound better to anyone?)).

Before someone gets MADD at me I know, her daughter was killed by a repeat drunk driver and that truly is a horrible thing and should never have happened and I feel really bad especially since her daughter didn't have any rights (but that's a story for another time). I just take offense to this quote and I'll just go ahead and quote her:

"It [the brain of 18-year-olds] isn’t developed, and that’s exactly why the draft age is 18, because these kids are malleable. They will follow the leader, they don’t think for themselves and they are the last ones I want to say ‘here’s a gun, and here’s a beer.’ They are not adults; that’s why they’re in the military. They are not adults."
Being the extremely logical person I am. Let's quickly deconstruct what she just said.

First quote, she said:

"If you want to drink, that's your business. But as soon as you drink and get behind the wheel of a car, it becomes my business."

"You" means the reader or the listener and the readers/listeners can and are any age, so anyone of any age can drink and that's their business is what she exactly said. Yep.

Moving to the next quote she said 18 year olds become soldiers because they malleable and follow orders, and soldiers are supposed to follow orders so.... soldiers aren't adults? Hmmm.... that would explain the behavior of my father but he wasn't 18 when he enlisted he was 21+ (I think he was like 23/24/25).

So in short, as the title says, Candy doesn't think soldiers are adults, so Candy is very unamerican.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Religion - The Drug that Kills

There comes a time in everyone's life when they become tired of the things in life that make no sense or that are so commonly idiotic that remaining silent is an offense great enough to warrant name calling.

Now is the time to say something, regardless if I have said it before, online or off. I shall repeat myself and I this time I shall lay very clearly my views of religion and its evils.

The Invention of Religion:
A Summary

Long ago in a place far away there was a thought, an actual bonafide, thought. Humans began to use their minds to think and when they did everything was forever changed. Humans being the weak and simple beings that we are need to survive, and we desperately need to survive because dying is very undesirable thing. Many ways were thought of and attempted to prolong life, some worked and some failed miserably and some of which people weren't really sure if they worked but, hey, it was better than doing nothing and so they kept on doing those things. We can call this superstition.

Think about it like this, the sun rises = you're more or less safe, not a ton of dying because you can usually see the cheetah or lion, at least better than you can at night. The sun falls = oh shit, RUN! Your ass is cat meat, because humans cannot see very well at night and when we don't see the lions etc soon enough, death becomes us VERY quickly. Also when it falls it gets cold and when it gets cold, PEOPLE DIE!

As stated before, dying is undesireable, so we must prevent that. What prevents dying? (More than what seems to encourage it, in any case) in case you haven't caught on yet... THE SUN!!! Yes! The sun more or less, more often than not, is warm and helps us see so we, of course, want the sun to be 24/7!! We want it soooo bad we wish and beg someone to make it work!! But no one has the power, no matter who we ask they can't make it come true. So, in our hour of desperation we ask the invisible man in the sky or in the frogs, or in the trees to help us!! But it doesn't work!!! What do we do then? Since we know we can't make the sun stay up all day and all night we must MAKE SURE it rises every single morning, because if it does, death is certain!!

We wish and hope and beg and plead with anyone to make sure this happens because we know NOTHING about this glowing ball in the sky or the twinkling balls of tiny lights at night. It's all a gigantic mystery to us!!! It's so unknown that it has power over us! It determines our fate, or at least part of it, and that scares us to death!! We fear the power of the light and the power of the dark and we must make sure, we must rest our minds that this will not change so we begin to worship the day and perhaps even worship the night because of the power it holds.

We worship the glowing ball of light in the sky first and foremost because it is good! It protects us (most of the time) and is warm!! And we fear the night because bad things happen and night!! We make up rituals in the hopes it will keep the night at bay and to strengthen the sun. It works!! The sun rises every morning without fail!! We have pleased the sun!! We have pleased the life giving and protecting force!! We must tell our children so they know what to do!!

And there you have it, the formation of the very first religion.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On Why the 1984 National Minimum Drinking Age Act is Illegal.

Upon looking at the text of the bill any reasonable person (or lawyer) could instantly find a very big reason why the 1984 NMDA Act is illegal. It's actually in 23 U.S.C. 158 which quite blatantly states that:

"(a) Withholding of Funds for Noncompliance.
(1) In general. The Secretary shall withhold 10 per centum of the amount required to be apportioned to any State under each of sections 104(b)(1), 104(b)(3), and 104(b)(4) of this title on the first day of each fiscal year after the second fiscal year beginning after September 30, 1985, in which the purchase or public possession in such State of any alcoholic beverage by a person who is less than twenty-one years of age is lawful."

You see, Section A is a problem, a BIG problem. Why you ask? Because the VERY act of "witholding funds for noncompliance" essentially bypasses one law and breaks another.

Let me explain...

The law it bypasses is the law of the Constitution, which, no where in it does it grant the federal government the right expressly or implicitly to set a national minimum drinking age. Trust me, look, there is not one law in there that allows for this type of behavior by the government. Since it does not have the authority (which it knows and therefore it bypasses the Constitution) to regulate a national minimum drinking age the only thing it can do is force the states to comply by other means.

This is where it blatantly breaks a law. In order to best understand how it blatantly breaks a law we must look at the wording of the main (but not the only) section in question. That is section A. As stated before it "withhold[s] funds for noncompliance" and when someone "withholds" something (like money) because someone (or a State) did not do something they want them to do that they would not otherwise do unless being forced to do so, there a term for this, a legal term, and what would that term be? Extortion (or alternatively: coercion, blackmail).

Oh but how can this be? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica the definition of extortion is this:

"Unlawful exaction of money or property through intimidation or undue exercise of authority. It may include threats of physical harm, criminal prosecution, or public exposure. Some forms of threat, especially those made in writing, are occasionally singled out for separate statutory treatment as blackmail."

As stated above the federal government DOES NOT have the authority to demand states set a drinking age nor does it have the power to set one itself so it places this little monetary "incentive" (albeit a negative and HIGHLY illegal one!) to get states to comply with it's "undue exercise of authority" (which, once again, it does not have the authority to set the age or even make the states set an age so this more than falls under the "undue exercise of authority").

So my question is how the hell did this even get passed in the first place? One answer: Lobbying by some VERY angry bitches. True story. Look up MADD. I've mentioned them before. They are quite angry bitches. And you can quote me on that. ;)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

National Youth Rights Association Annual Meeting

In less than 2 weeks I will be in Washington DC to support youth rights in the US and I have to say I am very much looking forward to it as I have never been to the capital before.

This is the first chance I'll have to really speak to an audience about my views, namely, the drinking age in which I will happily do a presentation on it on Sunday, August 2nd.

The NYRA Annual Meeting is a chance for members of the NYRA to get together and networking and discuss things that we desire to change in the world and I just hope that once we adjourn we will have accomplished something and that's what the NYRA is here for, isn't it?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Alcohol, it's bad but not that bad.

For anyone that's wondering I have now attained 21 years and may now drink without fear of a criminal record due to my age.

It is somewhat of a relief to know that I need not cower in my locked bedroom or hide everytime I hear a police car drive by while quickly gulping up all the evidence of my less than legal possession and consumption.

I am no longer considered a minor under federal law and am thereby emancipated from the federal government's attempts to regulate what I put into my body for my age group.

Prior to this I was a minor and an adult at the same time. It makes no sense either legally or logically and it is rape of the equal protection clause in the Constitution of the United States of America.

And to think the reason the government (or should I say MADD?) has this law is to PROTECT me from the "dangers of underage drinking" (their quote, not mine). This is commonly thrown around by just about everyone when speaking of drinking and so-called "underage persons" who have not yet attained 21 years of age, even though, as stated above are legal adults and may stick penises or various other things into their bodies, including having things (needles) stuck into their bodies causing death due to them causing the death (or being a party to the death but not directly causing it) of another person just so long as they have attained 18 years of age.

So MADD seems to think we're responsible enough to DIE at 18 but not drink until 21? What kind of bullshit is that?

I personally have been both legally and illegally drinking (thank you Texas law for taking away my rights and giving them right back to my mom when I was under 21, bastard) since I was 18 and more or less regularly since I was 19. I had no desire to drink prior to that or do anything society wouldn't allow (except for the right to DECIDE what I want to do, I never ever gave that power the state or any other autoritative body, parents included) . But no, me being responsible to "wait" until I was an ADULT to drink is not good for the mother-fucking organization, according to them and the federal and state government I'm a CRIMINAL.

HA! Arrest me! I dare you!

That's right no one would do such a terrible retarded thing to a legal adult! Which, I was as of 3 years ago, I might add.

What harm have I caused by being under 21 and not in the presense of my parent? Nothing, no one has been hurt by my actions ever from drinking. That's because I'm not retarded like some, the minority, of those under 21 people are.

The point being of course is to lower the drinking age to the MINIMUM of 18, no more! Plenty less is fine too.

To simply persecute a group of people for being born in the wrong year IS discrimination and there is NOTHING in the Constitution that allows for this, trust me, I looked it up.

Prove me wrong, I dare you.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Modern Day (Legal) Slavery: On owning another person.

One would think that slavery has been more or less eradicated in the "free world" as the West is so often called. After all we did finally abolish slavery at the end of the Civil War way back in the late 1800s. Didn't we? Those of the dark skinned persuasion have, indeed, received their freedom but only once they reached 18 years of age, that is. Also, this applies to everyone of any race, religion, sex, wealth or lackthereof, in just about every single country on the planet.

Have children? Have custody of your children? That's right you own them. You own another human being until he or she is 18 years of age, and for some situations (and states) that ownership does not expire until they're 21.

How does that make you feel to know you own another human being?

Oh, what's that, you don't believe you actually do? Well let's pop out ye olde dictionary.com (for quick reference) and let's look up a few words (I also checked out Black's Law Dictionary I think it's titled and yes, they happened to say the same thing in there as the internet does, so yes, I am right).


1. lesser, as in size, extent, or importance, or being or noting the lesser of two.
2. not serious, important, etc.: a minor wound; a minor role.
3. having low rank, status, position, etc.: a minor official.
4. under the legal age of full responsibility.

7. of or pertaining to the minority.

9. a person under the legal age of full responsibility.
10. a person of inferior rank or importance in a specified group, class, etc.
11. Education.
a. a subject or a course of study pursued by a student, esp. a candidate for a degree, subordinately or supplementarily to a major or principal subject or course.
b. a subject for which less credit than a major is granted in college or, occasionally, in high school.

1250–1300; ME < class="ital-inline">min small, ON minni smaller, Goth minniza younger, Skt mīnāti (he) diminishes, destroys

1. smaller, inferior, secondary, subordinate. 3. petty, unimportant, small. 9. child, adolescent.

1. major.

The important ones to read are in bold. As you can tell someone who is a minor (who is under 21) is inferior, secondary, subordinate. They are not free, that are in the custody of their parents or the State and even the federal government. (People under 21 are considered minors under federal law, even though they are adults at 18, it's one big piece of hypocrisy and contradiction, I might add).

Getting back to the main point of minors being property of their parents let's look at the rights of minors vs. parents (and the State).

Adult's Rights (21+)
1. Can drink and gamble.
2. Can get a credit card w/o parental permission or a proof of financial responsibility (effective at the end of this year).
3. No longer considered a minor under federal law.
4. Can buy a bigger assortment of firearms.
5. The rest are the same as 18-20.

Adult's/Minor's Rights (18-20) (They're both at the same time)
1. Can have sex with who they please except those below the age of consent (as low as 16 in some states).
2. Can own property.
3. Can sue and be sued.
4. Can be executed.
5. Can enlist in the army, handed guns and kill people.
6. Can smoke.
7. Can buy certain firearms but not all.
8. Can take driving test without ANY sort of driving course whatsoever.
9. Can marry w/o parental permission.
10. Are considered legally emancipated (i.e. free, look it up) from their parents with some exceptions.
11. Considered an adult for MOST but not all purposes.
12. Can consent or refuse medical treatment.
13. Can get abortions no problem whatsoever.

Minor's rights (under 18) (Pretending this minor is not an "emancipated minor" or foster child).
1. Right to an education (read: forced to get an education)
2. Right to obey his/her parents until 18. (if they don't they can be CHARGED as "incorrigible or ungovernable" (yes, these are CRIMES).
3. Cannot consent to medical treatment NOR refuse.
4. Until they're at least 16, at most 18, sex is illegal.

I could go on and on and basically the point is that if you're under 18 you HAVE NO RIGHTS. This is unfortunate but true.

When someone reaches 18 (or 16 and they have to go to court to do it) they are considered legally emancipated. And what does emancipated mean? Let's look it up in the dictionary once again.

e⋅man⋅ci⋅pate - verb.

1. to free from restraint, influence, or the like.
2. to free (a slave) from bondage.
3. Roman and Civil Law. to terminate paternal control over

So there you have it to not be emancipated is to be a slave.

It's not that difficult a concept really, so why don't people admit what they know to be the truth?
People under 21 are in some way, shape or form property. And until that age barrier is breached they are trapped, there is no escape, this is indefinite in the US.

It is also wrong.

And it should change.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Treatise on Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness and the Rights of Youth in America

An Voice that has yet to be suppressed is still a free voice.

"Man is born free, yet he is everywhere in chains. "
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Swiss political philosopher and essayist

I sit here a free human being. I am a free woman, a free Caucasian, a free adult, a free European, a free college student, a free liberal, a free atheist, and a free and uninhibited generally healthy person. There are no laws to prohibit me from doing what I like so long as I do not harm others.

You see, laws were made with the purpose of protecting people from other people and occasionally, themselves. This a good thing we all assume. By no means do I disagree with the notion that humans need protection from other humans as humans are always out to get one another for a few reasons (but not limited to) that I shall list below:

1. Money
2. Power
3. Sexual Control
4. Inheritance/Property Control
5. Revenge
6. The aggressor has become mentally unstable and choose to randomly attack or threaten people with no actual reason or forcing to do whatever it may be by outside forces.
7. Boredom
8. Being forced to do something by others.
9. Being tricked to do something by others.
10. Believing what they're doing is right, or just or good.
11. Being forced to do something due to the economy or financial situation.
12. Being to physically ill (but not mentally) to know right from wrong.
13. Being too mentally incapable but not crazy to understand right from wrong. (Brain damage, etc).
14. Just because they felt like it.

And so on and so forth.

People do terrible things to one another, always have and always will. That I do not think can be effectively argued against and it is an absolute. Humans want things and they need things too. It is human nature to want, to desire and that is part of survival, that is part of the human experience, of being human.

The Chains of Humanity

Humans are inherently born free but they are also inherently born with chains attached to them. Invisible chains that are almost impossible to sever. The human is born at first with a chain to his/her parents then if the parents fail the child as determined by the State at which the parents reside the child is then chained to the State. The child is under the guidance and authority of the State for ALL of his or her needs. There is no defense or escape from their authority until the child reaches late adolescence. Then, if granted, a few links of the chains are weakened but not actually cut or perhaps one could say the chain in merely lengthened but the child, the human, is still not released from the control of the State. The State makes a terrible parent says many, even those on the inside can admit to this travesty of a situation, this rape of justice, this execution of freedom.

This country we reside in, the United States of America is not what it promises nor has it ever been. Every "freedom" we have has not been granted freely nor has it been granted to everyone. Some of us are trapped more than others in the prison that is humanity. The so-called "children" are the current and thus far eternal prisoners of this country. There is little hope for people to listen to them, much less care, if they are lucky enough.

This is disgusting and wrong and must change. There is no reason to be so cruel to humans and to discriminate against them merely based on AGE!